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Saturday, March 28, 2009
Calorie Reduced Diet Revolution For Longer Life: 5 Benefits You Absolutely Must Know
Recent research is showing a new and interesting idea of how living on a calorie reduced diet cannot only help you to lose those unwanted pounds but also prevents further aging and in some cases reverses aging.
Hundreds of people all over the world are pioneering in this research. The results have been phenomenal. The reports are showing eighty-six year old men having anti-aged to developing the bodies of young athletes in physical organs and stamina. Reports are clearly showing surges of increased energy with zero sick days. No flu bug, no cold, no cough, no asthma, nothing – and not just for a few days but since they started the program which in some cases is over 10 years. If this is accurate and true – it is exciting!
What I found truly fascinating was in the ability to adopt a life of calorie reduced living without having to be informed as to the details, the “how much” and learning the rules in association for implementing into one’s life. If we just learned to listen to ourselves we would be able to accomplish this on our own. It brings the Greek Philosophy of Know Thyself and To Thine Own Self Be True to life.
For example, in my recent article “How to Lose Weight & Get Fabulous Abs – Top 5 Things You Must Know”, I told you I was on a weight loss program and had lost inches and weight but I did not write how I had achieved my outcome. I accomplished my goal by simply reducing my calorie intake while not worry so much about the protein, fat or carb’s I was eating. Focusing only on reducing the amount of caloric intake became a simple reduction of calorie diet.
Like others, those who are on the calorie reduced diet for life program, which I seriously had no knowledge existed and I actually first came across to while listening to Dr. Oz on the Oprah show, I too had experienced phenomenal health, energy like I have never experienced before and major increased clarity of thinking. My inner and outer strength, increased self-esteem, which I had believed came from my exercise program, but after listening to those on the calorie reduced diet I realized my new found feeling of self actually came from the foods I was eating. I had even experienced corrective action on my vision – I no longer needed my glasses!
Imagine being 45 and feeling spry and flexible for the first time in your life. Finding yourself running, not jogging (and I never run!), and climbing stairs two at a time. Imagine having clarity of thought where you feel invincible and daring feeling ready to take on the world in the greatest of challenges! These are the gifts of the calorie reduced diet lifestyle.
What was I eating? What are the rules? Merely through coincidence and much by accident, I learned to listen to my body. I learned to hear what it really wanted from me. I started eating only veggies, nuts, fruits, yogurt, and drinking milk. No meat, no chicken, no fish, no processed food, and no sugar drinks, just the foods I thought nature intended for our body to process and I have to tell you my body loved it.
It was only by accident I had found myself on the same page as those who had purposely chosen to live a calorie reduced diet for life. The only rules seem to be no processed or packaged foods, no meat, and to keep your calorie intake to about 1600 calories a day (more if you want to lose weight).
For those living a calorie reduced life program they are committed to results because it is an anti-aging concept they believe in is working for them. With reduced calories, and eating the right foods, the brain purportedly has the time to correct the deficits of the body. Focusing on optimizing the proper requirements each of us needs individually.
Many people are claiming their vision is back to 20 – 20 from having to wear glasses. Doctor’s are reporting younger internal organs from aging recipients. Dr. Oz states those on the reduced calorie diets can expect to live now for 150 years. How is that for anti-aging without costing you a dime!
You can see the benefits are amazing:
1. Increased Energy
2. Increased Vision
3. Increased Organ Function.
4. Decreased Aging
5. Increased Mental Processing
Is it worth looking into further? You decide. One Life. Your Life. Your Choices.
For more info on personal development go to: www.StrategicSelfManagement.com
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Strategic Self-Management: Part 1 – 3 Critical Factors to Great Time Management
When time management tools were first implemented, their principal benefit was they promoted tracking of our appointments or commitments. As the demands for our time increased, time management tools also increased in their functionality.
Today they assist in managing long-term objectives (goals) while strategically managing day-to-day priorities. The most important purpose is to allow you to monitor and measure your activities to ensure you achieve your expected outcome.
Most people utilize their current time management system solely for tracking appointments with a reminder of their daily activities. The problem with this is in most cases your system becomes a glorified to do list with the potential of a lot of duplication.
It requires you to transfer items not completed on your daily schedule. This continuous writing forward fools the psyche into believing it is working harder than it actually is. It creates feelings of frustration when we do not complete all the tasks we set before us. We also run the risk of forgetting to transfer the unfinished task.
The greatest risk is utilizing this method is the danger of losing the information. It is a well-known fact that success is in the details so you want to ensure your system has adequate tracking in place with the least amount of effort on your part. To aid you, many software companies have developed electronic time tracking tools to keep all your information grouped into one location, easily allowing you accessibility without having to duplicate your efforts.
Electronic systems do take a bit of time to get used to as most of us are visual learners and thus require the need to be able to see the details spread out. Electronic systems can also be more time consuming as they require you to have access to it at all times. This becomes a bit of a challenge when you are out on appointments or away from your desk. Even if you have a hand held organizer, have you have noticed the expression on the faces of people as you are trying to enter your information. Pen and paper is still a lot faster and easier.
In order to maximize your effectiveness within your own system, it is important to understand that you cannot manage time, only your activities in relation to time. This system then, instead of being a time management system is looked upon as a project management system.
To get the most out of your system why not try adding an Item’s To Do Journal and a Project Management Journal. These are the two easiest beginning tools to incorporate, regardless if you use electronic or a manual time tools, especially if you are serious about taking more control of your goals. Use them to make certain you can monitor and measure both your long term and short-term goals amongst your daily requirements.
The three Critical Factors of a great time management are:
1. A Time Management Day Planner: Utilizing a time management system, which incorporates a scheduler, an individual To Do Journal and a Project Management Journal? By prioritizing your appointments, goals, and non-related tasks, you have a greater chance of holding yourself accountable to tight deadlines.
2. Holding Weekly Reviews with Yourself: A weekly review will allow you to focus on transferring any details, which may be unresolved from the previous week. It also allows you to determine if you accomplished what you set out to do. Some questions to ask yourself are, “Did I accomplish my number one priority this week? Did I accomplish my #1 personal goal? If not, why not? What did I learn this week? What can I do better? The clearer your questions, the easier it is to come up with new activities to challenge yourself to grow.
3. Updating Accountable/Measurable Tracking Systems: The sure success of any great plan is in direct proportion to the tracking systems put in place. This allows for flexibility of change and correction anywhere along the implementing of your goal. So let us say your personal goal is to read 12 books this year. Do you have a record of where you can track these to ensure you are indeed accomplishing your goal? If you were working a sales or financial goal – do you have an excel spreadsheet to track your results?
Good time management principals come easy with practice. Have fun with it and know it is all for your success!
For a free sample template of the Strategic Self Management Item’s To Do Journal email giveityourall.mvw@gmail.com with Free ITDJ Template.
Ingenuity in Green Recycling : 5 Things You Can Do Today to Take Control
For more information on how to receive your free Plant Water Bottle go to: giveityourall.mvw@gmail.com ,
Today living the green life is much more than just recycling metal cans and paper. It’s the revolution against the water bottle.
Did you know?
• Nearly $11 Billion worth of bottle water ends in landfills, which may never be broken down?
• Only 1 of these 5 bottles ends up being recycled? The rest end up in our landfills or worse yet clogging up our lakes, rivers, and fields.
• 20 Billion single bottles will end up in these landfills
• It can take up to 1,000 years for a bottle to bio-degrade
• It takes 1.5 million barrels of oil (more then what fuels 100,000 cars per year) just to meet the US demand for water. Fill up a water bottle with 1/3 oil and you can see what was used just to make the bottle you are holding.
• It costs more money to drink bottle water than to put gas in your car – up to five times more, because of the energy, packaging and transportation costs. (Source: Earth Policy Institute)
• We drink over 65 million bottles of water in Toronto alone!
A company called I.A.M. Consulting Services has come up with a DO IT NOW Solution to help to give some of these bottles a second chance at reaching the recycling program. In their program of taking recycled bottles and producing useable goods they have developed a product called the Plant Water Bottle system.
It is a beautifully decorated bottle with a specially designed slow release flow tube cap providing a self-watering system for your plants. It operates on the function of the oxygen which is released in the soil when the soil dries. When the soil is dry it releases this oxygen which goes through the uniquely designed cap allowing your plants simply take the water when they need it.
These plant water recycling containers are fantastic not only for times when you are away, but also great for your slower drinking plants. You don't have to stand their waiting or deal with the over spills from trying to hurry it along. It's also ideal for those hard to reach plants and a real time saver for those always needing water, balcony and patio plants.
Inside each bottle is a little note explaining the problems we are incurring with plastics today and a recipe for fertilizing your plants. They even suggest using your veggie water, eggshells, or tea bags by keeping a pitcher of water, letting it stand for a day or two, and then filling your water bottle with this fertilizer to feed your plants. Definitely a unique take of taking a damaging left over waste product and turning it back into something useful and practical.
How you participate is when the water bottle is tired and ready to go to the garbage you simply take the cap off and throw the empty bottle into the recycle bin. You can keep the cap and put it on another bottle. Now they believe the bottle is where it should have been in the first place!
I.A.M. is offering the bottles, free, but you do have to pay for the shipping/handling costs. If you are interested in helping I.A.M. Consulting Services with their goal of recycling, 1,000,000 bottles simply email: giveityourall.mvw@gmail.com and put FREE Plant Water Bottle in the subject line. They will send you an email on how you can receive it.
Another company trying to achieve a better way in dealing with plastic is Chris Rapp, CEO of Keystone LLC, produces water bottles primarily made of corn. Maybe we can purchase our water, if we need to, in this format.
Here is what others are doing to make their impact of change.
Maude Barlow, a Canadian, is campaigning hard to remove the sale of bottled water in Canada. With a ban approved in London, Ontario, you can see others are working hard in assisting to one day being water bottle free. Any ideas for juice, pop or lemonade bottles?
David de Rothschild, is building a plastic boat called the Plastiki, to sail around the largest garbage build up in the ocean to start to bring awareness to the real problems we are facing.
Toronto alone recycled 65 million bottles working hard to increase and develop its recycling programs. You can participate by voicing concerns about bottle water programs to those heading programs in your community.
In the mean time, what can you actively do to help?
• Find a re-usable drinking container for your water needs. We buy bottled water for convenience and because of healthy alternatives to soft drink beverages. Experts recognize most bottled water is simply tap water in disguise, and in some cases actually contain harmful chemicals. This is a little known fact as bottled water is unregulated.
• If you do purchase bottled drink – why not make sure the bottle is biodegradable. It only takes a minute to check.
• If you see a bottle on the ground, in open fields, or simply not where it should be, why not pick it up and throw it in the recycle bin.
• Make sure your recycled bottles have had the caps removed. For some reason, still unknown, if the cap is on it ends up in the landfill. Recycle companies will not pay the labor to remove the cap.
• Re-use your current bottles. Boil water to remove the taste of the chlorine or use a Brita water filter system.
Together we can make a difference.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Strategic Self Management: Motivation 1 : Recession 0
Throughout history, man has been studying motivational training but to date motivation is still a very complex and misunderstood word. We easily go from an energy state of high motivation to spiraling into a total realm of negativity just based upon the information we receive, whether it is verbal or non-verbal.
We can be highly charged and energized one minute and feel flat and deflated the next by this outside stimuli. For example sending out our resumes searching for a job we feel we are perfectly fit to accomplish but upon hearing a negative response or no response we can easily fall into the psychological state of panic.
We can develop thoughts of worry (What if I can’t get a job? What if nobody hires me?). We can develop the fear of the unknown (How will I pay my mortgage? How will I care for my children?). Loss of motivation based upon an outside event triggering our raw emotions thus interfering in our ability to move forward.
Perhaps we have a great business idea only to find looks of disbelief by family and friends who have underrated our talents, skills, and abilities immediately throwing us back into the state of uncertainty and feelings of inadequacies from the discouragement of lack of support. Either way easily influenced by society making it particularly difficult to maintain our self-motivation.
Each of us must determine our own level of motivation based upon previous life conditioning and experiences in order for us to remain in control. For this reason alone, we must look inside for what we want for our true selves.
“Know thyself” the Greek Philosophy and “to thine own self be true” are statements that have been around for centuries and are powerful in assisting in reminding us to identify what inner form of spirit we could rely on to develop our life long goals. It is evident nobody can do the work for you so determining your inner yearning is of utmost importance! After all, it is your life, your thoughts, your motive, your reason.
Forms of motivation include working for pay raises, building dream homes, raising a healthy family, working for the good of humankind, investment, self-employment, higher learning, respect, integrity, credibility. The list and reasons for why we do things is endless and requires deep internal processing by each of us in order for us to sustain our drive of personal action.
During the trying times it is critical we protect ourselves from the onslaught of negativity. We must instead force ourselves to focus on identifying what we want, why we want it and what we need to do in order to get there as this is the difference between whether we will increase our energy towards the accomplishment of our deepest desires or not. This is the critical key. It is our desires not others.
The good news is self-motivation is clearly that. It is the self. It is you. It is your thought energy. The only true power you hold in this world is by your thoughts. You are the provider of your perception.
It is your responsibility to provide action towards your goals from the motive of reason determined by you. It is your motive for action, which will drive and sustain you through the difficult times in your life. Motivation is merely your thought energy, your reason for being which in turn shifts into physical action.
So how do you self-motivate in times of recession? How do you go on with your dreams and your life when your home is about to be for-closed on, or you find yourself lacking in a job, perhaps your spouse has left or any other major life altering event due to the recession? How do you cope with the additional burden of job responsibility with the cutbacks and having to do two jobs in place of one?
First, you have to come to terms with how you feel about what is occurring. You have to allow your emotions to go through the cycle of healing. If you do not take this vital time at some point later you will find what you suppressed will be expressed in the least opportune time. Go ahead and feel bad now. Try not to struggle with it just feel your emotions.
Take the necessary time to deal with these sentiments. It is okay to be angry, disappointed, scared, depressed, numb, anxious, worried, fearful, or any other emotion you are feeling. It should tell you, you are alive!
Give yourself all the time you need to sort through your challenges. The important part is that you work through the emotions yourself so that you come to terms with it and come out with a clearer understanding as to what you really want.
Be vigilant of your surroundings to prevent from being, unduly influenced by others for when we are at a low emotional state, we are at a very high level of sensitivity for influence. We must take care that the choices we make in our lives are truly ours and not for the satisfaction or gratification of others.
Another critical key is to separate yourself from others viewpoints while identifying new strategies for your future. Redefining your own motivation based upon your own individuality. At this stage, if you rely too heavily on the influence of others, you run the risk of living your life as others would see for you instead of living the life pre-determined by you.
Try taking long walks, meditating, or simply sitting with your worries and staring into space. Silence will help you to identify what is truly important to you in your life. It will help you to clear some of the ghosts, which no longer work for you. Sit as quiet as you can until you start to hear the strength of your own internal voice guiding you in a more positive direction.
What you will experience is your real self. You will hear your own words telling you what you really want in your life. Take care to be gentle with yourself and allow yourself the opportunity to explore these ideas. Go ahead and write down anything you feel has value to you. You will soon see a pattern begin to emerge.
Soon you will find one of your ideas will create a spark of excitement in the form of renewed energy within you. Follow this idea and learn as much as you can. Do everything humanly possible to learn everything you can about it. By doing this you are fueling the embers of a fire stirring deep within and suddenly you know what you have to do and why you are doing it.
Once this has occurred you are ready to kick yourself in the butt and start back into life. You will find your focus will attract to you everything you need to accomplish your vision.
I have personally found it extremely helpful to start an exercise program at this point. I find exercise helps to strengthen against attacks of negativity, which can greatly drain the young fresh spiritual ideas you are developing.
By implementing a solid exercise program into your life, you increase oxygen to your brain allowing for increased focus, concentration, and stamina for your new founded ideas to take shape.
Add to it vitamins and a nutritional program and you are now ready to run 24/7 inspired with high energy and ready to realize your new dreams. As you take your life back into control, you feel a powerhouse of energy develop within you. This is motivation!
Strategic Self-Management System – 8 Powerful Reason’s to Manage Your Time
What does it take to stay ahead in a fast paced, recessionary time? Where multi-tasking has become the keyword fundamental to any great resume in the market place. Where job demands far exceed the regular boundaries of what used to seem practical for an honest day’s work and where the line-ups for these jobs today are reaching thru borders?
In today’s fast moving economy, it has become more important than ever to begin the discovery of how you can increase your productivity through wise time management principles. These age old practices, with a twist of incorporating the advancements of technology with the primary goal of helping you to be the best that you can be.
The primary focus in good time management programs is to assist you in how you can maximize your effectiveness by utilizing the 20% that brings you 80% of your results while identifying and eliminating the 80% time waster’s which bears you no fruit. It is about working smarter, not harder.
The key elements of understanding good time management principles is in first being aware you cannot manage time, but you can manage your activities in relation to time. In order to do this well, bearing in mind you are seeking to identify the 20% of your activities bearing 80% results, you must first go through the strategic planning stage (also known as goal setting) to identify the what, where, when, why and how behind your plan.
Some very important questions you must resolve are (and this is just the beginning): What do you want to do? Why are you doing it? What do you need in order to succeed? What are your long-term priorities? How does this fit with what you are doing today? How will you accomplish your plan? Did you include your family, financial and physical goals?
Developing strong goals allows you to manage your daily schedule to priorities rather than from never-ending, reactionary day-to-day activities. It allows you to control the path you choose to take for your life. It allows you to monitor and measure your success and adjust when necessary.
Questions you will be able to identify are did you accomplish what you set out to do? Did you remain focused on your goal? If not, why not? It will be far easier to respond to these questions when a strong accountability system has been included in the measurement of your goals.
The eight most powerful benefits you receive from increased time management skills include:
1. Increased Focus and Concentration – you are steadfastly working towards your pre-determined, worthwhile goals on a regular, consistent basis.
2. Increased Delegation Skills – you are able to delegated by tracking details of who, what, when and how long so you can inspect what you expect.
3. Increased Personal Self-Esteem – with every new task completed, as you feel yourself moving towards your chosen priorities, as you get closer to reaching the tasks you have before you, you feel a real level of personal achievement. Your belief in yourself grows.
4. Managing Your Priorities to Your Activities – When day to day reactionary activities come up, you will be able to deal with them on a more proactive basis, eliminating the negative energy of stress as you quietly incorporate the additional tasks alongside your longer term goals.
5. Increased Communication – You will be able to confidently, and clearly communicate the time line of when the priority, goal, or task is to be completed. You will be able to communicate if your goal requires others assistance, or has challenges or obstacles which require time to work through. This will increase not only your ability to communicate but command trustworthiness as well.
6. Higher Levels of Overall Productivity – with a clearly out lined plan (or schedule) our days tend to go smoother. We know exactly what is required and can tackle each item with optimism going through our days with routine precision, focusing on doing the best on each of the chosen activities. Our attitudes will be more relaxed because we are clear of our own expectations.
7. Saving of Resources – When we are clear as to the priority of the task, we stay on budget as we know exactly what we need and why. We save endless resources by preventing duplication in any form.
8. Higher Levels of Accomplishment through Clear, Concise Goals – our accomplishments increase with every new task we complete. Our internal drive (our motivation) energized as we recognize our own ability of being able to do exactly what we set out to do.
We achieve many additional benefits when we remain focused on managing our time to the high pay-off activities in our lives. Strive hard to stand above the crowd and continue to develop your skills of mastering your time through strategic planning. It is your life, one life, live it well.
Good luck and God Bless
Email: giveityourall.mvw@gmail.com for more info regarding the Strategic Self Management System.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Aging Gracefully With A Little Help – 10 Tips to Prevent Rapid Aging
Skin care products have made rapid and major scientific advancements in the past twenty years. From the lines of new cosmetics, teeth whitening, acne treatments and, you guessed it, wrinkle creams known as our anti aging products.
Statistically for the 90% of all teen-agers, 50% of women and 25% of remaining adults who suffer from acne, the acne prevention products not only aid in controlling the follicle build up but more importantly aid in boosting self-esteem. Our kids dread going to school with the well know zit prominently displayed in usually the most embarrassing places for fear of the ridicule they will incur. Who can blame them!
Adults who suffer also experience major psychological issues of introversion and self- consciousness. By participating in an acne regime, it gives them the ability to hold their heads up high and tackle life without the fear of rejection or believing people are staring at the enlarged pimple on their nose or chin when perhaps someone is admiring their smile.
For those of us over the age of 40 we have new hope in looking, and in turn, hoping it makes us feel, our youth once again. By applying the regimented formula, we begin to see a new revitalization of the skin, a smoother texture, an increased diminish of fine lines and wrinkles. We see our skin become supple and the dark circles clearing magically away from our eyes. Our skin dryness and even skin tone seem magically renewed.
We all have the desire to look and be our best and if these products help us to stand out from the rest - well why not! We only have one life, our life, to live fully. I am sure most of us agree we can all use all the help we can get to make our lives a little less stressful and a little more pleasurable.
In order to do this we cannot rely solely on the skin care products available today we must also stay vigilant and take personal action.
10 Tips to Prevent Rapid Aging Results
1. Take care not to rub under your eyes or put too much pressure their when washing your face. This is an incredibly sensitive area on the face that even with a small amount of pressure it will quickly produce the dark under eye circles or puffiness. If you are already experiencing these symptoms try the under eye cream from Olay or their new Regenerest. Their skin product line is very reliable.
2. Drink plenty of water for hydration. It is never too late to take care of your skin. Your skin is the protective layer of your body but requires inside and out cleansing. Water helps to flush the toxins from your body aiding in keeping elasticity of the skin.
3. Try not to be so serious and worry so much! 90% of what you worry about never happens so why let it be manifested on your face. Worry becomes the big wrinkle you will develop you know that deep vertical line in the middle of your forehead? If you have already developed it, try an anti-aging cream. It may not get rid of it but it will assist in preventing further deepening or at least slowing it down. The real answer is stop worrying! Life takes care of itself.
4. After showering try the use of a really, good moisturizer all over your body and especially on the face and neck where you have three layers of thin skin epidermis to penetrate. Do a good daily regime on your hands and feet as well. Give them a break and do some pampering. Fungus grows easily on toes and hard manual labor on the hands builds callouses. Give them a daily break.
5. Exercise daily - if even for 20 minutes. Building muscle is not just for looks. It provides protection for the bones and aids in keeping the skin elastic. You are never too old to start exercising. Regular exercise also keeps the metabolism high and your system regulated. Remember, toxins only have three ways to leave your body - the kidney, the liver and the bowel.
6. Vegetables, fruits or at least a vitamin supplement if you cannot quite get in your daily nutrient intake during the day. If you have difficulty tracking your nutrient intake www.fitday.com has a great software program which will help you to take control of your diet. You can track, monitor and measure just about everything.
7. Watch your stress levels. I am not kidding when I say stress kills and it dramatically ages you. Have you looked at any of the President's and how quickly upon taking office they start to change in appearance? If you find signs of stress begin to develop in your life, get plenty of rest and relaxation. Try some Yoga, go out for dinner with a friend, go for a walk with your mate, play a game with your child, or simply take time out for yourself. You are worth it and you will thank yourself for it later. Not only will you be able to deal with life more effectively but perhaps you will maintain a little of your dignity.
8. Try to laugh more. Find humor in your everyday life. Happiness and laughter increases the spirit. It puts a glow on your face and a sparkle in the eyes.
9. Take care of your teeth! The color of your teeth not only represents a sign of youth but also and more importantly represents your state of health. Visit a dentist regularly and take care with the at home whitening kits. If you use them, follow the instructions. They can be quite damaging if used too often.
10. Try to get a good night sleep as often as possible. The average teen requires 10-12 hours of sleep, an average adult 8 hours, and a senior five. Rest is one of the greatest rejuvenators' for your body.
We spend most of our lives nurturing and worrying about the well-being of others, but to stay young looking, we must also provide the same regime on ourselves. Remember to take good care of yourself for only you know what you need. Be selfish. If you take care of yourself first, you'll have plenty to give back to others. Always be kind to yourself in words, deeds and actions and you can't help but have a young, healthy inside and out, looking mind, body and soul!
Good Luck and May Your Creator Bless You.
For Free Anti-Aging Trial go to: http://www.doitnowsolutions.com
Taking the Guess Work Out Of Getting Internet Traffic – The 5 Fastest Ways to the Top
To have effective key words you have to know how to get them in comparison to what the big boys are using. For example people who are trying to reach those who want to work from home use keywords in their ads like make money, how to make money, easy fun ways to make money, make big money quick easy, make fast cash money, make easy money on EBay – you get my point.
People who are marketing to sell services to you to help you increase your web traffic would use keywords like: internet marketing, home based internet marketing, internet marketing consultant, SEO (which stands for Search Engine Optimization), internet marketing SEO etc.
People who are marketing a weight loss product may use key words of weight; lose weight, abs, flat abs, exercise, fitness in hope to reach as many people as possible who would be typing in those words searching for answers.
The important thing to understand about keywords is it is what the robots from the search engines, like Google and Yahoo; use to find the articles people are requesting information on via their search boxes. So having strong key words is critical to driving traffic to your website.
Not only are key words critical but when you are advertising, or article writing, your ad has to be key word rich in order for your ad or article to rise to the top of the search engine. Key word rich means to be able to use those words, without making it look like you are using those words, to get your article to the top. With millions of on-line bloggers, marketers, guru’s all working to show you how to make money fast and easy it’s a wonder anyone can get their sites to the top.
The best way for you to find keywords most suitable for your product or industry is to go to Google Keywords to find out what keywords are most popular and what your competitors are using. Only after you have determined this should you start writing the ad copy for your website. It is the best way to stay with the competitive edge.
To move your site to the top your choices are:
1. Pay for Advertising (the easiest if you can afford it!)
2. Advertise in free classifieds yourself. The goal is to get your web address out to as many sites as possible. If people do not know your address, they cannot find you.
3. Go to blogs, forums, Yahoo answers, and start advertising yourself. Self-promoting is important and after all don’t you have something of value to give to your customers?
4. Write Articles and get them published or hire a ghostwriter to do it for you.
5. Learn to link your sites to others. Many web sites piggyback their traffic in hopes of helping each other.
It is not easy to get your site to the top these days but it is doable if you follow the above, five steps. Work hard, promote hard, learn everything you can and you cannot help but become successful.
Good Luck and May Your Creator Bless You
Getting to Fabulous Abs
I recently started a weight loss program with a goal in mind: lose 60 lbs and achieve the most taught muscle for my abs. I was absolutely determined to develop flat abs without going through having to purchase an abs machine or go through massive abs workouts. I was pumped and motivated.
I did the typical ab work outs Pilates, aerobics, crunches, ab rollers (ouch!) and upper workouts (more ouch!). I did the supplements, the fads, and the cheater tricks. I learned a lot in the process! One thing I learned is we jump into doing things without finding simpler methods making the process so much more difficult on ourselves.
I also learned doing anything in life could get expensive when you do not know what you are doing and it is getting harder to trust the experts! There is so much information and so little time to sort through it all.
Here is a list of the five most important things I really did not understand and which messed me up for a while:
1. I did not know if you are going to lose your belly fat and get six pack abs, there are many health foods cleverly disguised as junk foods that will actually stimulate you to gain more belly fat. Imagine that. The diet food marketing industry continually able to increase their profits while being the culprit to maintaining our belly rolls!
2. I didn’t know doing Ab Exercises like crunches, sit-ups, and Ab Machines were considered to be the least effective means for getting flat 6 pack abs. If I could tell you how many wasted hours (not less waisted) here!
3. I did not know the boring cardio exercise routines were not the best way to lose body fat and uncover the muscle and weight loss in my abs. I found out there were much better workouts that produced 10x the results.
4. I did not need any of the fat burner pills or other supplements I had purchased. Instead, I needed to know about the natural foods and the power of the natural foods in relation to my body. In the end it all seemed so simple and Wow – had I been down the wrong path!
5. Finally, I had to come to the realization that ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers and other infomercial ab-gimmicks were just that – gimmicks. (Nope –the models are not real!). Great abs were designed not by equipment but instead by REAL workouts and REAL nutrition strategies. Remember if it sounds too good to be true it generally is. Hard work was the only answer.
The truth is once I checked the reality of my goal I did the prescribed work, ate the proper diet, tested myself against the right way of exercising in a 10-day work out, and actually achieved the 10” loss. With every inch and pound loss I became more motivated to challenge myself to the great six pack abs challenge. With lots of water and water based foods to flush my system I was well on my way. Am I there- not yet- but I am closer than I have ever been and if you knew me that is a good thing!
What did it take? Starting with understanding my BMI and recognizing how many calories I could intake while on my diet. So here it is - 3500 calories = 1 lb. Therefore you have to lose 3500 calories off your current daily intake to lose 1 lb. It does not matter if its protein, carbs, or fat – the body does not discriminate. If you eat above your daily intake of calories – you will gain weight. If you eat less than your caloric intake per day you will lose weight. Do not let anyone tell you different.
A colon cleanse to rid your body of toxins and allow your bowel to move in the manner in which it was designed to is also important. With all the toxins and chemicals in the air, in our food and our environment our bodies are finding it more difficult to rid itself of excess waste. You can easily lose up to 5 lbs just by doing the colon cleanse. A good colon cleanse can take a long time to complete. It took years for the build up so be patient as it takes time for the build up to be removed. Trust me, you'll feel great afterwards!
Make sure to drink plenty of water but don't overdue. You must consume at least 6 to 8 cups of water per day. Do not drink more than this as it will over tax your body! Very important to remember.
Next you have to figure out how many calories you are allowed to consume in a day. Here is my formula for figuring this out. Take your weight and simply add a zero. If you are 150 lbs your calorie intake should be around 1500 per day in order to not gain weight. Keep in mind if you are doing high energy activities you can probably increase this by 300 calories.
Knowing you can only intake 1500 calories per day without gaining weight (and trust me that is not a lot of food) it is easy to see why we are having such a difficult time with obesity. One meal from any of the major fast food outlets can easily total more than this amount and that is just for one meal! So you can see why it is so important to measure and monitor everything you intake when deciding to lose weight. If you don’t you will get nowhere!
It also took a disciplined, regimented program, proper nutrition, a colon cleanse, calorie counting, proper ab exercises, daily vigilance and major persistence! Day to day focus on my goal - No kidding – losing weight and getting 6 pack abs is HARD WORK but also THE MOST REWARDING experience I have had in a while!
I like using tracking tools to help keep me in focus while working towards my goals. It makes the goal seem easier to accomplish. The info listed below are tools you can use to ensure you get to your goal. They helped me – maybe they will help you.
For More Info on abs go to: Truth About Abs
For more info on the FREE 3 Bottle Colon Cleanse: www.Energize-Me-Now.com
For more info on a great calorie and nutrition tracker go to Fit Day
For more info on a great FREE trial on weight loss: ACAI Berry Select
Remember; never ever ever ever ever give up! Keep trying. If you fail, forget, do not have the energy for today, cannot be bothered, mood change, swing whatever! - try again tomorrow or tomorrow or tomorrow. You will arrive at your goal it is just a matter of time! The more you attempt the closer you come. More importantly do it for yourself. Forget what others think or say about you. It is your life to live it as you see fit. Live it well!
Hope this helped. Good Luck And May Your Creator Bless You.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
How To Make Money From Niche Ebooks
If you have the flair for writing and if you have specialized knowledge that can potentially interest online users, you will stand great chances of making huge money online by writing and publishing your own niche ebooks. Here's how:
1. Sell ad spaces. You can augment your earnings from this endeavor if you can sell ad spaces to marketers who are selling products that compliment your book topic.
Depending on the size of the ad and the projected sales of your ebook, you can charge up to $500 per ad. You can also use some of your book space to promote your own products and services.
By doing so, you can increase your sales and revenue without hurting your pockets for your advertising cost. You just have to make sure that your creations will not look like yellow pages so you can avoid annoying your readers.
2. Sell your niche ebooks. This is the fastest way to generate income from your creations.
You may write about topics that are extremely interesting to your potential clients and promote your niche ebooks online using the most effective advertising tools that are available in the internet today.
You need to make sure properly build-up your offerings by highlighting their features and benefits so you can make them more valuable to the eyes of your potential clients.
3. Use them as your traffic-generating tool. If you are a marketer, you must understand the importance of driving quality traffic to your website.
You can attract interested people to give you a visit by using your niche ebooks. How? You can send your niche ebooks for free to your potential clients. Load them up with valuable information that these people will find interesting.
When you are able to impress your readers and make them see that you are really good on what you do, you can be assured that they will flock your website in no time. Make sure that you post your site's URL on every page of your creations to make it much easier for these people to give you a visit.
4. Use them on your list building campaigns. You'll stand great chances of growing your ebusiness if you can effectively capture the email addresses of your potential clients.
You can boost your sign-up rate if you can reward these people with free niche ebooks that contain information that are relevant to their needs and demands.
Maverick Money Makers is a private
society that will teach you how to
build a six-figure a month business
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How To Make Money Fast Online
The question has come into everyone's mind at one point or another."How do I make money fast?" Luckily for everyone who has ever had that question come to mind there is an answer! There are several ways to make money quickly online, now we will venture through the online category.
3 websites to make money online.
1. Associated Content.
2. Cash Crate.
3. Forum booster.
Let's begin with associated content. Associated content should be the number one stop for those people who frequently ask themselves, how I could make money fast. Associated Content requires you to write content, which in other words for those who aren't familiar with the online language, content means articles.
Associated Content requires that you write articles for them, they will pay you anywhere from $3 to $40 for your content.
Most of the time however the bids that they place on your content are for much less than $10. However, this is still a great way to make money online if you can type several articles per day. You may be surprised to see how easy it has become to earn a part time income through writing for Associated Content.
The next site that we will talk about is Cash Crate. Cash Crate is a site that pays you to take surveys. They may pay anywhere from a dollar to possibly a hundred dollars, just for you to take a survey.
Doesn't sound too bad now does it? The reason they pay you to complete surveys is that companies are willing to shell out loads of cash for in-depth information from their consumers to find out exactly what they word on the street is about their product or services.
They even have a daily survey on the homepage that is guaranteed to make you some extra income; the guaranteed survey on the homepage pays $0.80. It may not seem like much but do the math, over a 30 day time period. That is almost $30 extra dollars just for taking surveys.
Are you still asking yourself that question, how do I make money fast? Well if writing tons of articles and taking surveys doesn't really sound like your cup of tea, there is always the alternative of Forum Booster.
Forum Booster is a website that pays you $0.10 for each post you make on a forum. This is great for those of us that would be searching and posting on forums either way, why not get paid for it? If you can post sixty posts in 1 hour, you can make $6, which is not that bad for earning money online.
It may not be minimum wage, but you have the advantage of being in the comfort of your own home. You can be in your pajamas sipping coffee while working on posting on these forums. Each post should be a minimum of 12 words, which is not difficult to do at all.
Overall there are tons of ways to make money quickly online but these are just the tried and true and the best of the best.
Maverick Money Makers is a private
society that will teach you how to
build a six-figure a month business
on the internet.
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How To Make Money From Funny Videos
You can easily make funny video websites, and then profit from them nicely. Many people have done it and are actually making their living off it. Here's how to make funny video websites and make money at it:
1. Getting a site.
The first thing to making a funny video website is choosing a good name. Have some fun trying to think up catchy names for your website. A catchy, unique and memorable name is key to not only getting traffic but maintaining traffic.
2. Getting the videos.
You can easily lift videos from other popular video sites. But there are also sites that allow you access to many of the popular funny videos which you can use. Many sites share with one another videos as well. So getting the videos to supply for your funny video website is relative easy.
3. Making the Money.
Making money off your site is going to consist of different forms income streams. From click on ad's, banner advertising, and actual products which you can sell on your site and receive heavy commissions from.
Start up accounts at Google and yahoo for click on ad's, and find internet products which will coincide with the type of videos you'll be showing. Many internet products will have programs for webmasters which you can sign up for and immediately start promoting products on your site. Once your site develops traffic, you can start to hit up larger business's for banner ad's which can pay very well. The combination of different income streams will bring in a steady income flow as long as your traffic is ramped up.
4. Putting your site together.
There are specific programs you can get for building sites. They will take the headache of "coding" away, and have you setting up your site quickly and fairly easily. A good "make video website" book or manual will show you exactly what needs to be done and provide inside access to sources which can make things thousands of times easier.
Maverick Money Makers is a private
society that will teach you how to
build a six-figure a month business
on the internet.
If you want to make money online,
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How To Make Money From Passions
Maverick Money Makers © 1997 - 2008
To make money online many people jump right in before they are properly prepared. You know that to be a rocket scientist, a doctor, a brick layer, a construction worker, an office worker, a teacher there are prerequisites, things you must learn, before you can be successful, you don't just jump right in unprepared.
The same applies to the Internet marketing industry even though there are unsavory people out there who'd have you believe it's a "Walk in the Park" and requires no more than the belief that you can just do it.
And I'll have to admit, it is a walk in the park compared to what you have to put up with in the working world punching a clock being a subordinate to someone who does not have your interests in mind, but there are still rules you have to follow and pitfalls you must avoid to actually make Internet marketing work for you.
Most people will not make a dime online and yet there are others who will make more in one month than most people make in a whole year. Why is that?
My answer begins with the age-old chicken or egg question, "what comes first the chicken or the egg"? Personally I vote for, well never mind, each argument you or I make comes back to the same old conclusion - I have no clue and I don't think many of us do either.
But one thing I do have a clue about and know for sure is that to make money online you must first have Passion for the company products and/or service of any Internet business from which you expect to make money.
Passion in this sense simply means that you've researched and like the company and products or services. It is then that you translate that like (or Passion) into the education, excitement and work that usually accompany Passion.
I will have to say that many online entrepreneurs are so good at what they do that they ignore passion because they can sell anything. But I'm concerned about those of you who are not so knowledgeable at working an online business successfully.
Now, I'm not trying to make anyone believe that Passion is the only thing necessary. Because to be successful you must also have a good website, good marketing, widespread advertising, company support, effective keywords, and etc. Those things are often learned from the company you join - but sidestep Passion and you reduce your chances for success dramatically.
It therefore follows that, if you have no Passion for the company and the products and services provided by that company, again, you won't attempt to do the work you are being taught.
Internet marketing work is typically not all that difficult or time consuming but it does take motivation caused by Passion to get you off and running with a sustained effort so that you won't stumble.
You have a great resource in the Internet search engines to search about the Internet Marketing industry for business opportunities, USE IT!
Your research should uncover a company that you like and have confidence in. It should be solid, founded on great principles, and easy to understand with great products and services that are sell-able for which you can have Passion. If you don't find it move on,
You can find the right opportunity containing the attributes identified above.
Comments like, well, that one sounds good and the compensation plan is excellent so I guess I'll start that business - does not sound like a decision based on anything near Passion. And remember when you hear that an Internet "guru" does that, don't be tempted, because as I said earlier they are experienced and can sell just about anything, without being Passionate about the company products and services.
Note: By the way it's your goal to get to the point where you can sell about anything online. That end skill and goal is a worthy one indeed.
Remember, there are other steps you must make before you step into Internet Marketing but if you don't first find the right company products and services to be passionate about, all of those other steps may just cause you a lot of frustration instead of bringing you great success.
Not being Passionate about a company and products and services that has market proof that it will sell is a pitfall you simply must avoid.
Maverick Money Makers is a private
society that will teach you how to
build a six-figure a month business
on the internet.
If you want to make money online,
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On Line Success – 6 Sure Fire Ways to Reach the Top
The winners making money online find it easy because they are properly prepared. They know what to do, how to do it, the time required to do it, and have a tremendous commitment and passion in what they are doing. They do their work consistently and they believe their success is eminent.
They know they have to have the right tools of the trade and they spare no expense. They keep their eye on those who have spent years perfecting their trades and apply the principles and practices into their own business. They understand that 20% of what they do brings in 80% of their results and focus hard at eliminating the 80% that brings in nothing.
So what can you do to follow in the path of the 1% to ensure your chance to succeed?
6 Sure Fire Ways to do this are:
1. Develop Tremendous Passion (faith, belief, energy)
How will you know when you have achieved this? As you explore, learn and develop you will feel your belief in yourself grow, your energy rise and experience a dramatic reduction in your stress level. You will find yourself fully aware and have arrived at the realization your success is only a matter of time.
You find yourself opening to new energy, and without thinking find yourself spending hours learning and implementing the ideas you are formulating. You feel the belief in yourself growing and time seems to dissipate because of your high level of focus. You will find your vision becomes clear and you easily enact your new reality by the simple mode of doing the work. You have found your passion!
It is only when you are highly focused, when you believe in your product, believe in yourself a tremendous shift in the mind occurs. You are open to understanding more and dedicated to accomplishing the tasks. This is your energy and called passion.
2. Having a Supreme Desire for Knowledge
To make money online may take some time to properly develop your website and hone your skills but it is worth it. Take the time to learn about Google Ad words, Google keywords, Google ad sense, Search Engines and see how they affect your site and what it will cost you.
Look into how you can master your marketing skills, advertising budget and whether it is worth your investment or whether it is just easier to put in time. Understand the terminology, such as Blogging, Forums and Chat rooms.
Understand the difference between Face book, My Space, Twitter, Yahoo Answers, and other networking sites. There is no right or wrong you just have to decide which way. Information is what rules for he who has the answer is in control.
If you are marketing on behalf of someone else, ensure provision for training or ease in contacting is available. Look into as many affiliate programs as you can before selecting the one you will represent. Know everything they have to offer.
Look carefully into the structures of the business you are promoting. Do they have training? Are they easily accessible by email or phone? Try a Google search and see what dealings others have had with them. This will help your excitement from getting the better of you and prevent you from spinning your wheels.
3. Bring Your Own Ideas And Visions To The Table
If you want to develop your own website, take the time to layout what you want your customers to know about you and your company. Know clearly and specifically what products and services you want to market. Consider your marketing budget, your payment options, whether you should be connected with the Better Business Bureau.
Figure out all your costs and time requirements before you start the development stage. Spend hours researching what your intentions are and learn from others. It will save you tremendous resources and time later.
4. Follow The Guidelines Of Those Who Have Come Before You
It is important to put a part of yourself in the creative portion of developing an on-line business. Make a list and determine what sets you apart from others in your industry. Limit your ideas to five. Take care to observe we are all born with a creative urges but try not to spend too many hours recreating or re-inventing the wheel.
A widget can always be better. A service can always be better. Agreeably the need to change products or services is the driving factor for our creativity. It is the reason behind why our technology is so tremendously effective today. However, let me give you a dire warning, when it comes to making money, re-inventing or perfecting what is already working can be your number one downfall. Follow and utilize the tools already available to you. Use the experience of others. Make your money first then reinvest it in whatever you think you have to for making your outcome better. Stay on top!
Also, take the time to develop and implement a successful working model. Your working model should be a series of steps easily implemented to achieve your desired result to rely on to assist you in maintaining your focus.
It is too easy to develop overwhelm through information overload while surfing the net. We start on one path but hours later find ourselves de-railed on sites and we have no idea as to how or why. A strong working model has the necessary triggers in place to prevent this from happening.
5. Do The Work Required Of You To Completion
Internet marketing, although it may appear difficult and time consuming, once you know the cheater tricks it becomes much easier. Use your personal motivation and a desire to learn to get you started. There is plenty of help! As Mack my mentor would say, "You have a great resource in the Internet search engines to search about the Internet Marketing industry for business opportunities, USE IT!"
Make sure you have a clearly written plan for implementation. This will make it easier to implement the strategies systematically, which you outlined in your working model. Ensure you have included the accountability factor so you can monitor and measure everything you do. This will help you to identify your 20% producing time, which gives you 80% of your results. Remember, it is not how hard you work but rather how smart.
Finally, reflect on why you are doing what you are doing when you get discouraged- are you perhaps in the learning curve and just struggling? Are you feeling overwhelmed and need to take a step back? Did you know your brain requires 20 minutes rest for every 20 minutes of new information in order to process? Give yourself adequate time. You are not in a race there will always be tomorrow. This will help to reduce your stress immensely. By reducing your stress, your energy returns and you will once again feel that allure of PASSION!
6. Rely On A Great Coach Or Mentor To Assist Keeping You On Track
Find a mentor, guide, advisor experienced in the field of your chosen interest. They help you to identify and eliminate things, which are no longer effective. They are there to challenge you and to get you to stretch out of your current comfort zone. They help you to grow both individually and professionally. Does the President of the United States have advisors? Could he do his job effectively without them?
The real relevance of finding the person who can guide and assist us in understanding how to put everything in a step-by-step formula for us to understand is for holding ourselves accountable to our choices. Only when we understand what and why we are doing what we are doing do we take immediate action. In doing the immediate action, we see our results.
Good Luck and May Your Creator Bless You
Maverick Money Makers is a private
society that will teach you how to
build a six-figure a month business
on the internet.
If you want to make money online,
join the society before it's too late.
Mind Power-3 Ways For True Self-Empowerment
The discoveries in science, psychology, and biology shows we are the rarest of all species in the world because our creator gave us a mind to think. We have the ability to use our mind by controlling our thoughts to create the environment in our life determined by us. Our only responsibility is to figure out the how.
In order to utilize the power of our mind wisely and effectively all we have to understand are the components of how the mind, working in unison with the brain and body interact with each other to determine our results. We can then easily give the body direction through the utilization of our thought.
Are you familiar with the expression we are all born perfect? This is because as early as the time of our birth our brain is already programmed and ready to take care of us by our creator. It has all the required chemical elements for your body to function. All information containing the chemical components, vitamin requirements, DNA, heart regulations, kidney and liver functions, waste disposal, finger prints, and any other requirements all to maintain its performance while in the physical space on earth.
We know the human body is comprised of 72% water, 21% protein and 7% bone and minerals. What we may not comprehend is it is the responsibility of the mind to ensure the body and brain receive proper nutrients on a consistent basis in order for the body to perform at peak performance. The mind must direct the body to intake the life sustaining foods required for maximize effectiveness.
The challenge for us in life is we did not come with an instruction manual for our own unique bodies. We spend our entire life filtering through information going through trial and error trying to make things work better in our life. The difficulty is in understanding and identifying our own unique requirements. This is why so many people are constantly on diets and why we have a better then 50% obesity problem today.
If we simplify things then it is easy to understand our sole responsibility comes down to only two things. First, to determine which foods are compatible to our unique system. We have to take the time to identify our own body’s liquid, protein, carbs, fat and mineral requirements to ensure optimal health. We have to identify the quantity, quality, and how often we need it. Do not worry; it is not as difficult as it sounds.
Secondly, we need to identify what information we require or are lacking in, in order to excel in our chosen professions. The question is how can we do this in the easiest, least time-consuming way, to get to our results as quickly as possible?
Why is this important? If the mind chooses (which is really your thoughts) not to give the body the necessary ingredients for proper level functioning, the brain has to work harder to compensate. The brain will receive a signal from the body stating it is in distress.
The brain must then break from its normal function of regulating to that of repairing in order to deal with the call of distress from the body. If this occurs on a continual basis, we start to experience symptoms of aches and pains or emotional disturbances triggering our mind (thoughts) something is wrong.
For example, your thoughts are I should eat a piece of cake. It tastes so good I'll have another. You fall in love with cake and eat it on a regular basis not thinking about the long term effect of the abundance of sugar intake on your body (or maybe you know and it just tastes too good!)
By eating large quantities of sugar, it causes your sugar levels to rise. The body having no say just takes it in. You are telling the body what to do. Then the brain say’s – hey – you are overloading me by causing the body to become hyperactive. The brain works hard to compensate for the increase of sugar but overtime it may not be able to keep up.
To get your attention it then sends physical or emotional symptoms of drowsiness, depression, weight gain, stress, high blood pressure, diabetes. I call it the brains way of communicating to us. The question becomes are we really listening to ourselves?
Your mind can control your thoughts, what you eat (which maintains the brain’s ability to function normally and keeps the body healthy) exercise for increased oxygen and bone protection and the information you intake. What are your rewards for doing it correctly? You are a healthy, physically fit, emotionally stable, financially successful human being living life to the fullest!
Three specific things you can do to make it easier for you to master peak performance in your life are:
1. Provide Your Physical Body with Adequate Nutrients
With the amount of toxins and chemicals in our food and environment today a good colon cleanse to re-regulate your body is very helpful. You could also try a 7 day fast. Cleaning and flushing your internal system will help to assist your brain in being able to do its job more effectively faster. Call it a re-regulator.
If you are not aware of the nutrients, which provide and stimulate the high energy within you start writing in a journal. Start tracking everything you eat. Include the amounts for the quantity we eat also determines how well we will feel.
The easiest and fastest way I have found for nutritional and diet tracking is with www.Fit Day.com. It is a software program which monitors everything from daily weight, body measurements, mood tracking, caloric intake, nutritional counting, and includes a daily journal. All you have to do is enter your information. You will very quickly find out if you need to be adding more Iron, Zinc, Vitamin D or any other missing nutrient into your diet.
2. Provide Your Brain Oxygen & Armor Your Body
We know the air we breathe is what keeps us alive but what it really does it assists the brain in its ability to process and regulate. A regular exercise program increases oxygen to the brain enhancing its performance.
Your workouts also strengthen the skin, protecting it with a layer of muscle. This muscle protects the bones in your body. Exercise then becomes beneficial to not just the brain but the preservation of your bones as well.
For the mind, exercise alleviates the stress and tension of your thoughts. Did you know just one workout can eliminate negativity from your thoughts. Exercise builds an armor of defense all around you.
3. Exercise Your Brain Muscle
Sad, but true, did you know the average person only reads one book a year? Did you know to be an expert in your field you only have to read one book a month? Did you know reading helps to increase your vocabulary, writing skills, imagination, creativity, problem solving and concentration?
Reading, strategic planning, writing in journals are all ways to increase your knowledge and expand the brain like a rubber band. Even if you think you have forgotten, the information is stored ready for you to retrieve it any time.
Make it a goal today, to realize higher heights in your knowledge base. If you do not know where to start there are many programs on the market today to assess where you are at now. Do them and help yourself to increase and strengthen your brain muscle.
You only have one life and time is short. You are never too old to accomplish what you hope for, what you wish for, or what you have always dreamed. You now know your mind is your thoughts and your thoughts determine your outcome. You can change anything in life you just have to have the thought to do so.
Be Kind to Yourself & May Your Creator Bless You
Maverick Money Makers is a private
society that will teach you how to
build a six-figure a month business
on the internet.
If you want to make money online,
join the society before it's too late.
How to Lose Weight & Get Fabulous Abs – Top 5 Things You Must Know
Have you ever wondered, with the amount of diet and weight loss programs, infomercials, books and videos flooding the market place today what it really takes to get fabulous abs? Do you not wonder if all of those things really worked why we are still struggling with obesity? Well, if you are ready to try again, here are some things that can help to make it easier to understand.
To start you can make some minor changes by getting familiar with your BMI and your daily calorie intake requirements. You need to know how many calories your body needs to sustain itself while on your program because getting to great abs requires both fat loss and muscle toning. This will also give you a chance to mentally prepare yourself for upcoming changes.
The easiest formula to remember is 3500 calories = 1 lb. You have to lose 3500 calories off your current daily intake to lose 1 pound of fat. It does not matter if its protein, carbs, or fat – the body does not discriminate. If you eat above your daily intake of calories – you will gain weight. If you eat less than this, you will lose weight. Do not let anyone tell you different.
Next, you have to figure out how many calories you need to consume in a day. Take your weight and simply add a zero. If your weight is 150 pounds, your calorie intake should be around 1500 per day to sustain your current weight. If you do higher energy activity’s you should increase this by 300 calories.
Knowing you can only intake 1500 calories per day without gaining weight (and trust me that is not a lot of food) it is easy to see why we are having such a difficult time with obesity. One meal from any of the major fast food outlets can easily total more than this amount and that is just for one meal! So you can see why it is so important to measure and monitor everything you intake when deciding to lose weight and develop your abs.
The five most important things you should know:
1. If you are determined to lose your belly fat and get those great six pack abs, be aware of the health foods which are cleverly disguised as junk foods that will actually stimulate you to gain more belly fat. Stick to the natural foods of fruits, vegetables and plenty of water to flush your system. You can eat lots of it, the body finds it easy to digest, and the fiber is great for cleaning the bowel.
2. Ab Exercises like crunches, sit-ups, and Ab Machines were the least effective means for getting flat abs. You do need to do crunches, sit-ups, side stretches, push-ups and weight toning exercises but alone it does not eliminate the fat on the top of the belly. You will require at least three weekly aerobic exercises to shrink this fat.
3. Similarly cardio exercise routines alone by themselves only aids in shrinking fat cells. It aids in weight loss and building muscle strength but does not tightly tone abs. A combination of three aerobic workouts a week alternating with three 40-minute weight/body sculpting workouts three times a week and one day rest produces 10x’s the results.
4. You do not need to invest in any of the fat burner pills or other supplements. Instead, you need to know about natural foods and the power of the natural foods in relation to your body. Take care when eating pre-packaged food as it is loaded with sodium. Also, an absolute no-no, eliminate alcohol when working towards developing fabulous abs!
5. Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers and other infomercial ab-gimmicks are – gimmicks. (Nope –the models are not real!). Great abs are sculpted with aerobic, ab and sculpting workouts done in 35 minute sessions coupled with real nutrition strategies. Remember if it sounds too good to be true it generally is. Hard work is the true answer.
Did you know it takes 35 minutes of continued exercise before we start melting away the fat in our bodies? This is important for when you reach the 35 minute threshold in your exercise routine you can start to put concentrated effort in your ab crunches. This is the time when you are getting the maximum return from your workout.
You will find with every inch and pound you lose you will become more motivated to challenge yourself to continue. Drink lots of water and water based foods to flush your system. You must consume at least 6 to 8 cups of water per day. Do not drink more as this will actually over tax your body! This is very important to remember.
I recently took the six pack abs challenge and it took a disciplined, regimented program, proper nutrition, a colon cleanse, calorie counting, proper ab exercises, daily vigilance and major persistence on my part! Day to day focus on my goal - no kidding – losing weight and getting 6 pack abs is HARD WORK but also THE MOST REWARDING experience I have had in a while! I have managed to lose 12 lbs and 11” in 10 workouts. Keep in mind my results are based on serious tracking of my nutrition and exercise routines. What it proved to me – even at age 45 -is it CAN be done!
When you are ready and you feel you need a coach I found www.beachbody.com had a fantastic program with great support. Their entire exercise video program is aerobic focused ab training. For tracking of weight, calories and nutrition the software program from www.fitday.com is also incredible.
Remember; never ever, ever ever ever, give up! Keep trying. If you fail, forget, do not have the energy, can’t be bothered, mood change, swing whatever simply try again tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then try again tomorrow. You will arrive at your goal for all is just a matter of time! The more you attempt the closer you come.
More importantly do it for you. Forget what others think or say. One life, your life, to live as you see fit. Live it well!
Good Luck and God Bless.
For a FREE 3 Month Colon Cleanse trial go to: http://www.Energize-Me-Now.com