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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ingenuity in Green Recycling : 5 Things You Can Do Today to Take Control

For more information on how to receive your free Plant Water Bottle go to: giveityourall.mvw@gmail.com ,

Today living the green life is much more than just recycling metal cans and paper. It’s the revolution against the water bottle.

Did you know?

• Nearly $11 Billion worth of bottle water ends in landfills, which may never be broken down?
• Only 1 of these 5 bottles ends up being recycled? The rest end up in our landfills or worse yet clogging up our lakes, rivers, and fields.
• 20 Billion single bottles will end up in these landfills
• It can take up to 1,000 years for a bottle to bio-degrade
• It takes 1.5 million barrels of oil (more then what fuels 100,000 cars per year) just to meet the US demand for water. Fill up a water bottle with 1/3 oil and you can see what was used just to make the bottle you are holding.
• It costs more money to drink bottle water than to put gas in your car – up to five times more, because of the energy, packaging and transportation costs. (Source: Earth Policy Institute)
• We drink over 65 million bottles of water in Toronto alone!

A company called I.A.M. Consulting Services has come up with a DO IT NOW Solution to help to give some of these bottles a second chance at reaching the recycling program. In their program of taking recycled bottles and producing useable goods they have developed a product called the Plant Water Bottle system.

It is a beautifully decorated bottle with a specially designed slow release flow tube cap providing a self-watering system for your plants. It operates on the function of the oxygen which is released in the soil when the soil dries. When the soil is dry it releases this oxygen which goes through the uniquely designed cap allowing your plants simply take the water when they need it.

These plant water recycling containers are fantastic not only for times when you are away, but also great for your slower drinking plants. You don't have to stand their waiting or deal with the over spills from trying to hurry it along. It's also ideal for those hard to reach plants and a real time saver for those always needing water, balcony and patio plants.

Inside each bottle is a little note explaining the problems we are incurring with plastics today and a recipe for fertilizing your plants. They even suggest using your veggie water, eggshells, or tea bags by keeping a pitcher of water, letting it stand for a day or two, and then filling your water bottle with this fertilizer to feed your plants. Definitely a unique take of taking a damaging left over waste product and turning it back into something useful and practical.

How you participate is when the water bottle is tired and ready to go to the garbage you simply take the cap off and throw the empty bottle into the recycle bin. You can keep the cap and put it on another bottle. Now they believe the bottle is where it should have been in the first place!

I.A.M. is offering the bottles, free, but you do have to pay for the shipping/handling costs. If you are interested in helping I.A.M. Consulting Services with their goal of recycling, 1,000,000 bottles simply email: giveityourall.mvw@gmail.com and put FREE Plant Water Bottle in the subject line. They will send you an email on how you can receive it.

Another company trying to achieve a better way in dealing with plastic is Chris Rapp, CEO of Keystone LLC, produces water bottles primarily made of corn. Maybe we can purchase our water, if we need to, in this format.

Here is what others are doing to make their impact of change.

Maude Barlow, a Canadian, is campaigning hard to remove the sale of bottled water in Canada. With a ban approved in London, Ontario, you can see others are working hard in assisting to one day being water bottle free. Any ideas for juice, pop or lemonade bottles?

David de Rothschild, is building a plastic boat called the Plastiki, to sail around the largest garbage build up in the ocean to start to bring awareness to the real problems we are facing.

Toronto alone recycled 65 million bottles working hard to increase and develop its recycling programs. You can participate by voicing concerns about bottle water programs to those heading programs in your community.

In the mean time, what can you actively do to help?

• Find a re-usable drinking container for your water needs. We buy bottled water for convenience and because of healthy alternatives to soft drink beverages. Experts recognize most bottled water is simply tap water in disguise, and in some cases actually contain harmful chemicals. This is a little known fact as bottled water is unregulated.

• If you do purchase bottled drink – why not make sure the bottle is biodegradable. It only takes a minute to check.

• If you see a bottle on the ground, in open fields, or simply not where it should be, why not pick it up and throw it in the recycle bin.

• Make sure your recycled bottles have had the caps removed. For some reason, still unknown, if the cap is on it ends up in the landfill. Recycle companies will not pay the labor to remove the cap.

• Re-use your current bottles. Boil water to remove the taste of the chlorine or use a Brita water filter system.

Together we can make a difference.

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