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Friday, March 20, 2009

Aging Gracefully With A Little Help – 10 Tips to Prevent Rapid Aging

By Marianne Van Weezep

Skin care products have made rapid and major scientific advancements in the past twenty years. From the lines of new cosmetics, teeth whitening, acne treatments and, you guessed it, wrinkle creams known as our anti aging products.

Statistically for the 90% of all teen-agers, 50% of women and 25% of remaining adults who suffer from acne, the acne prevention products not only aid in controlling the follicle build up but more importantly aid in boosting self-esteem. Our kids dread going to school with the well know zit prominently displayed in usually the most embarrassing places for fear of the ridicule they will incur. Who can blame them!

Adults who suffer also experience major psychological issues of introversion and self- consciousness. By participating in an acne regime, it gives them the ability to hold their heads up high and tackle life without the fear of rejection or believing people are staring at the enlarged pimple on their nose or chin when perhaps someone is admiring their smile.

For those of us over the age of 40 we have new hope in looking, and in turn, hoping it makes us feel, our youth once again. By applying the regimented formula, we begin to see a new revitalization of the skin, a smoother texture, an increased diminish of fine lines and wrinkles. We see our skin become supple and the dark circles clearing magically away from our eyes. Our skin dryness and even skin tone seem magically renewed.

We all have the desire to look and be our best and if these products help us to stand out from the rest - well why not! We only have one life, our life, to live fully. I am sure most of us agree we can all use all the help we can get to make our lives a little less stressful and a little more pleasurable.

In order to do this we cannot rely solely on the skin care products available today we must also stay vigilant and take personal action.

10 Tips to Prevent Rapid Aging Results

1. Take care not to rub under your eyes or put too much pressure their when washing your face. This is an incredibly sensitive area on the face that even with a small amount of pressure it will quickly produce the dark under eye circles or puffiness. If you are already experiencing these symptoms try the under eye cream from Olay or their new Regenerest. Their skin product line is very reliable.

2. Drink plenty of water for hydration. It is never too late to take care of your skin. Your skin is the protective layer of your body but requires inside and out cleansing. Water helps to flush the toxins from your body aiding in keeping elasticity of the skin.

3. Try not to be so serious and worry so much! 90% of what you worry about never happens so why let it be manifested on your face. Worry becomes the big wrinkle you will develop you know that deep vertical line in the middle of your forehead? If you have already developed it, try an anti-aging cream. It may not get rid of it but it will assist in preventing further deepening or at least slowing it down. The real answer is stop worrying! Life takes care of itself.

4. After showering try the use of a really, good moisturizer all over your body and especially on the face and neck where you have three layers of thin skin epidermis to penetrate. Do a good daily regime on your hands and feet as well. Give them a break and do some pampering. Fungus grows easily on toes and hard manual labor on the hands builds callouses. Give them a daily break.

5. Exercise daily - if even for 20 minutes. Building muscle is not just for looks. It provides protection for the bones and aids in keeping the skin elastic. You are never too old to start exercising. Regular exercise also keeps the metabolism high and your system regulated. Remember, toxins only have three ways to leave your body - the kidney, the liver and the bowel.

6. Vegetables, fruits or at least a vitamin supplement if you cannot quite get in your daily nutrient intake during the day. If you have difficulty tracking your nutrient intake www.fitday.com has a great software program which will help you to take control of your diet. You can track, monitor and measure just about everything.

7. Watch your stress levels. I am not kidding when I say stress kills and it dramatically ages you. Have you looked at any of the President's and how quickly upon taking office they start to change in appearance? If you find signs of stress begin to develop in your life, get plenty of rest and relaxation. Try some Yoga, go out for dinner with a friend, go for a walk with your mate, play a game with your child, or simply take time out for yourself. You are worth it and you will thank yourself for it later. Not only will you be able to deal with life more effectively but perhaps you will maintain a little of your dignity.

8. Try to laugh more. Find humor in your everyday life. Happiness and laughter increases the spirit. It puts a glow on your face and a sparkle in the eyes.

9. Take care of your teeth! The color of your teeth not only represents a sign of youth but also and more importantly represents your state of health. Visit a dentist regularly and take care with the at home whitening kits. If you use them, follow the instructions. They can be quite damaging if used too often.

10. Try to get a good night sleep as often as possible. The average teen requires 10-12 hours of sleep, an average adult 8 hours, and a senior five. Rest is one of the greatest rejuvenators' for your body.

We spend most of our lives nurturing and worrying about the well-being of others, but to stay young looking, we must also provide the same regime on ourselves. Remember to take good care of yourself for only you know what you need. Be selfish. If you take care of yourself first, you'll have plenty to give back to others. Always be kind to yourself in words, deeds and actions and you can't help but have a young, healthy inside and out, looking mind, body and soul!

Good Luck and May Your Creator Bless You.

For Free Anti-Aging Trial go to: http://www.doitnowsolutions.com

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