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Thursday, March 19, 2009

On Line Success – 6 Sure Fire Ways to Reach the Top

Only 1% of the population currently reaps 99% of the financial rewards on-line but it looks like this may soon change. With more and more information available, it is becoming easier for the average person to apply the same strategies.

The winners making money online find it easy because they are properly prepared. They know what to do, how to do it, the time required to do it, and have a tremendous commitment and passion in what they are doing. They do their work consistently and they believe their success is eminent.

They know they have to have the right tools of the trade and they spare no expense. They keep their eye on those who have spent years perfecting their trades and apply the principles and practices into their own business. They understand that 20% of what they do brings in 80% of their results and focus hard at eliminating the 80% that brings in nothing.

So what can you do to follow in the path of the 1% to ensure your chance to succeed?

6 Sure Fire Ways to do this are:

1. Develop Tremendous Passion (faith, belief, energy)

How will you know when you have achieved this? As you explore, learn and develop you will feel your belief in yourself grow, your energy rise and experience a dramatic reduction in your stress level. You will find yourself fully aware and have arrived at the realization your success is only a matter of time.

You find yourself opening to new energy, and without thinking find yourself spending hours learning and implementing the ideas you are formulating. You feel the belief in yourself growing and time seems to dissipate because of your high level of focus. You will find your vision becomes clear and you easily enact your new reality by the simple mode of doing the work. You have found your passion!

It is only when you are highly focused, when you believe in your product, believe in yourself a tremendous shift in the mind occurs. You are open to understanding more and dedicated to accomplishing the tasks. This is your energy and called passion.

2. Having a Supreme Desire for Knowledge

To make money online may take some time to properly develop your website and hone your skills but it is worth it. Take the time to learn about Google Ad words, Google keywords, Google ad sense, Search Engines and see how they affect your site and what it will cost you.

Look into how you can master your marketing skills, advertising budget and whether it is worth your investment or whether it is just easier to put in time. Understand the terminology, such as Blogging, Forums and Chat rooms.

Understand the difference between Face book, My Space, Twitter, Yahoo Answers, and other networking sites. There is no right or wrong you just have to decide which way. Information is what rules for he who has the answer is in control.

If you are marketing on behalf of someone else, ensure provision for training or ease in contacting is available. Look into as many affiliate programs as you can before selecting the one you will represent. Know everything they have to offer.
Look carefully into the structures of the business you are promoting. Do they have training? Are they easily accessible by email or phone? Try a Google search and see what dealings others have had with them. This will help your excitement from getting the better of you and prevent you from spinning your wheels.

3. Bring Your Own Ideas And Visions To The Table

If you want to develop your own website, take the time to layout what you want your customers to know about you and your company. Know clearly and specifically what products and services you want to market. Consider your marketing budget, your payment options, whether you should be connected with the Better Business Bureau.
Figure out all your costs and time requirements before you start the development stage. Spend hours researching what your intentions are and learn from others. It will save you tremendous resources and time later.

4. Follow The Guidelines Of Those Who Have Come Before You

It is important to put a part of yourself in the creative portion of developing an on-line business. Make a list and determine what sets you apart from others in your industry. Limit your ideas to five. Take care to observe we are all born with a creative urges but try not to spend too many hours recreating or re-inventing the wheel.

A widget can always be better. A service can always be better. Agreeably the need to change products or services is the driving factor for our creativity. It is the reason behind why our technology is so tremendously effective today. However, let me give you a dire warning, when it comes to making money, re-inventing or perfecting what is already working can be your number one downfall. Follow and utilize the tools already available to you. Use the experience of others. Make your money first then reinvest it in whatever you think you have to for making your outcome better. Stay on top!

Also, take the time to develop and implement a successful working model. Your working model should be a series of steps easily implemented to achieve your desired result to rely on to assist you in maintaining your focus.
It is too easy to develop overwhelm through information overload while surfing the net. We start on one path but hours later find ourselves de-railed on sites and we have no idea as to how or why. A strong working model has the necessary triggers in place to prevent this from happening.

5. Do The Work Required Of You To Completion

Internet marketing, although it may appear difficult and time consuming, once you know the cheater tricks it becomes much easier. Use your personal motivation and a desire to learn to get you started. There is plenty of help! As Mack my mentor would say, "You have a great resource in the Internet search engines to search about the Internet Marketing industry for business opportunities, USE IT!"

Make sure you have a clearly written plan for implementation. This will make it easier to implement the strategies systematically, which you outlined in your working model. Ensure you have included the accountability factor so you can monitor and measure everything you do. This will help you to identify your 20% producing time, which gives you 80% of your results. Remember, it is not how hard you work but rather how smart.

Finally, reflect on why you are doing what you are doing when you get discouraged- are you perhaps in the learning curve and just struggling? Are you feeling overwhelmed and need to take a step back? Did you know your brain requires 20 minutes rest for every 20 minutes of new information in order to process? Give yourself adequate time. You are not in a race there will always be tomorrow. This will help to reduce your stress immensely. By reducing your stress, your energy returns and you will once again feel that allure of PASSION!

6. Rely On A Great Coach Or Mentor To Assist Keeping You On Track

Find a mentor, guide, advisor experienced in the field of your chosen interest. They help you to identify and eliminate things, which are no longer effective. They are there to challenge you and to get you to stretch out of your current comfort zone. They help you to grow both individually and professionally. Does the President of the United States have advisors? Could he do his job effectively without them?

The real relevance of finding the person who can guide and assist us in understanding how to put everything in a step-by-step formula for us to understand is for holding ourselves accountable to our choices. Only when we understand what and why we are doing what we are doing do we take immediate action. In doing the immediate action, we see our results.

Good Luck and May Your Creator Bless You

Maverick Money Makers is a private
society that will teach you how to
build a six-figure a month business
on the internet.

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