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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mind Power-3 Ways For True Self-Empowerment

By Marianne Van Weezep

The discoveries in science, psychology, and biology shows we are the rarest of all species in the world because our creator gave us a mind to think. We have the ability to use our mind by controlling our thoughts to create the environment in our life determined by us. Our only responsibility is to figure out the how.

In order to utilize the power of our mind wisely and effectively all we have to understand are the components of how the mind, working in unison with the brain and body interact with each other to determine our results. We can then easily give the body direction through the utilization of our thought.

Are you familiar with the expression we are all born perfect? This is because as early as the time of our birth our brain is already programmed and ready to take care of us by our creator. It has all the required chemical elements for your body to function. All information containing the chemical components, vitamin requirements, DNA, heart regulations, kidney and liver functions, waste disposal, finger prints, and any other requirements all to maintain its performance while in the physical space on earth.

We know the human body is comprised of 72% water, 21% protein and 7% bone and minerals. What we may not comprehend is it is the responsibility of the mind to ensure the body and brain receive proper nutrients on a consistent basis in order for the body to perform at peak performance. The mind must direct the body to intake the life sustaining foods required for maximize effectiveness.

The challenge for us in life is we did not come with an instruction manual for our own unique bodies. We spend our entire life filtering through information going through trial and error trying to make things work better in our life. The difficulty is in understanding and identifying our own unique requirements. This is why so many people are constantly on diets and why we have a better then 50% obesity problem today.

If we simplify things then it is easy to understand our sole responsibility comes down to only two things. First, to determine which foods are compatible to our unique system. We have to take the time to identify our own body’s liquid, protein, carbs, fat and mineral requirements to ensure optimal health. We have to identify the quantity, quality, and how often we need it. Do not worry; it is not as difficult as it sounds.

Secondly, we need to identify what information we require or are lacking in, in order to excel in our chosen professions. The question is how can we do this in the easiest, least time-consuming way, to get to our results as quickly as possible?

Why is this important? If the mind chooses (which is really your thoughts) not to give the body the necessary ingredients for proper level functioning, the brain has to work harder to compensate. The brain will receive a signal from the body stating it is in distress.

The brain must then break from its normal function of regulating to that of repairing in order to deal with the call of distress from the body. If this occurs on a continual basis, we start to experience symptoms of aches and pains or emotional disturbances triggering our mind (thoughts) something is wrong.

For example, your thoughts are I should eat a piece of cake. It tastes so good I'll have another. You fall in love with cake and eat it on a regular basis not thinking about the long term effect of the abundance of sugar intake on your body (or maybe you know and it just tastes too good!)

By eating large quantities of sugar, it causes your sugar levels to rise. The body having no say just takes it in. You are telling the body what to do. Then the brain say’s – hey – you are overloading me by causing the body to become hyperactive. The brain works hard to compensate for the increase of sugar but overtime it may not be able to keep up.

To get your attention it then sends physical or emotional symptoms of drowsiness, depression, weight gain, stress, high blood pressure, diabetes. I call it the brains way of communicating to us. The question becomes are we really listening to ourselves?

Your mind can control your thoughts, what you eat (which maintains the brain’s ability to function normally and keeps the body healthy) exercise for increased oxygen and bone protection and the information you intake. What are your rewards for doing it correctly? You are a healthy, physically fit, emotionally stable, financially successful human being living life to the fullest!

Three specific things you can do to make it easier for you to master peak performance in your life are:

1. Provide Your Physical Body with Adequate Nutrients

With the amount of toxins and chemicals in our food and environment today a good colon cleanse to re-regulate your body is very helpful. You could also try a 7 day fast. Cleaning and flushing your internal system will help to assist your brain in being able to do its job more effectively faster. Call it a re-regulator.

If you are not aware of the nutrients, which provide and stimulate the high energy within you start writing in a journal. Start tracking everything you eat. Include the amounts for the quantity we eat also determines how well we will feel.

The easiest and fastest way I have found for nutritional and diet tracking is with www.Fit Day.com. It is a software program which monitors everything from daily weight, body measurements, mood tracking, caloric intake, nutritional counting, and includes a daily journal. All you have to do is enter your information. You will very quickly find out if you need to be adding more Iron, Zinc, Vitamin D or any other missing nutrient into your diet.

2. Provide Your Brain Oxygen & Armor Your Body

We know the air we breathe is what keeps us alive but what it really does it assists the brain in its ability to process and regulate. A regular exercise program increases oxygen to the brain enhancing its performance.

Your workouts also strengthen the skin, protecting it with a layer of muscle. This muscle protects the bones in your body. Exercise then becomes beneficial to not just the brain but the preservation of your bones as well.

For the mind, exercise alleviates the stress and tension of your thoughts. Did you know just one workout can eliminate negativity from your thoughts. Exercise builds an armor of defense all around you.

3. Exercise Your Brain Muscle

Sad, but true, did you know the average person only reads one book a year? Did you know to be an expert in your field you only have to read one book a month? Did you know reading helps to increase your vocabulary, writing skills, imagination, creativity, problem solving and concentration?

Reading, strategic planning, writing in journals are all ways to increase your knowledge and expand the brain like a rubber band. Even if you think you have forgotten, the information is stored ready for you to retrieve it any time.

Make it a goal today, to realize higher heights in your knowledge base. If you do not know where to start there are many programs on the market today to assess where you are at now. Do them and help yourself to increase and strengthen your brain muscle.

You only have one life and time is short. You are never too old to accomplish what you hope for, what you wish for, or what you have always dreamed. You now know your mind is your thoughts and your thoughts determine your outcome. You can change anything in life you just have to have the thought to do so.

Be Kind to Yourself & May Your Creator Bless You

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